Temple ritual, sacred and to be kept secret.
Another charge against lds people is that we keep "secrets"
From the Book"The Gainsayers" by Darrick T. Evenson pag 75 extracts
According to modern scholars there had been, among believers in the true religion of God a Secret (or apocalytcip) tradition which asserted that the divine secrets were made known to people who then recorded them in secret or "hidden" books for the instruction of the righteous of God's elect.
The secrets were usually made known to the prophet or seer in a dream or vision in which he was caught up to Heaven. Frequently it took the form of a bodily translation which allowed the prophet to go into heaven, either in the spirit or in the body, where the seer was introduced to the eternal secrets of the divine purpose, or even into the very presence of God Himself. Sometimes, too, an angelic interpreter was introduced who guided the seer in his heavenly journeyings and explained to him the meaning of things in heaven and earth.The vision would consist of a review of the Creation and Fall of man, plus revelations of things yet future. These revelatory experiences took place not only in the Old Testament times, but in the New Testament era also.
The apocalyptic writers (many of them the ancient Christians) wrote that these divine secrets were written down on the "heavenly tablets" by the ancient seers. They wrote that these books related the purposes of God for the whole world from creation to the end of time. They had been hidden away for many generations and handed down in a long line of secret traditions, finally preserved until "the last days". The prophets knes the heavenly secrets, and the mistery of God about the Messiah became a reality in Jesus Christ.
The ancient Christians had secret rites which they did not divulge to the unmbelievers, and they practiced these rites in their Christian temples. Before Jesus made His appearance as the Christ, the Saints of God gathered around His prophet, John. The other churches of the day, especially the ministers, rejected John the Baptist because they thought that revelation through prophets had ceased. They called John and his disciples "Nazoreans" a nickname which means "keepers of the secret teachings" According to Christian scholar Dr. E.S. Drower
Each RAZA "each mistery" is a drama.... but they are still couched in the language of parable and symbol, so obscure in expression that none but a "true Nasorean" can interpret its meaninig.
Scholars know that the mystery drama included a representation of the creation of Adam, adn a "ritual handclasp". According to Christian scholar and historian Dr> Johann L. Mosheim:
"In the ritualism of the early Jewish Mysteries the pageantry of creation was enacted, the various actors impersonating the Creative agencies."
Jesus Himself made it clear that his most faithfull followers were to receive special knowledge of the rites of his kingdom, but that knowledge would not be shared with the uninitiated:
"And the disciples cane, and said unto Him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them. because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given." Matthew 13:10-11
The savior had already admonished His disciples to keep holy things secret and to not share with those who were unworthy:
"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Matthew 7:6
( see the trouble here? they could misunderstand the mistery and turn again and REND you, this is what is happening now to the lds people, when this knowlegde goes to people blind minded they become furios)
According to Paul, the apostle, along with the public Gosple there were certain secrets called the mysteries of God, which dated back to the beginning of the world.
ROMANS 16;25
Paul acknowledged that church leaders had access to the Gospel mysteries, and that they were stewards of them.
1 Corinthians 4:1
Colossians 2:1-3
1 Timothy 3:8-9
These references give clear indication that the early church had special teachings which were made availeble to the selected faithful, but which were not shared with those who were unworthy to receive them.
The mysteries of God, a term for their ancient temple rites, are alluded to in several places in the book of Revelation. John wrote, for instance, of men becoming kings and priests.
Revelation 1:6
a new name
Revelation 2:17
Revelation 3:12
Holy Garment
Revelation 3:4-5
to share the throne of Christ
Revelation 3:21
Revelation 7:2-3
Heavenly temples
Revelation 7:15
And, like Paul used the term "mysteries of God
Revelation 10:7
The fact that the ancient Christians had secret rites is known to Christian scholars and historians. The famous Christian scholar and historian Dr> Johann Mosheim testifies:
That the more learned of the Christians, subsequently to the second century, cultivated, in secret, an obtuse discipline of a different nature from that which they taught publicly, is well known to everyone. Concerning the argument, however, or matter of this secret discipline, its origin, and the causes which discontinued it has caused many disputes among scholars.Why James, and John and Peter, should have been, in particular, fixed upon as the apostles whom Christ selected as the most worthy of having this recondite wisdom communicated to them by word of mouth, is very easy to be perceived. For these were the three disciples whom our blessed Saviour took apart with Him up into the mountain when he was about to be transfigured, Matthew 17:1 and Luke 9:28. To represent them, therefore, as having in a particular manner been favored with an insight into all mysteries, appeared to be btu consistent and proper.
Moshein acknowledged that the ancient Christians reserved the initiation into their "mysteries" for those who were established members of the Chruch.
"The multitude professing Christianity were therefore divided by them into the "profane", or those who were not yet admitted to the mysteries, and the "initiated" or faithfull and perfect.... and as none were permitted to be present at these "mysteries", as they were termed, save those whose admission into the fellowiship of the church was perfect and complete, so likewise was it expected that, as a matter of duty, the most sacred silence should be observed in regard to everything connected with the celebration of them, and nothing whatever relating thereto to be committed to the ears of the profane."
According to the ancient anti- Christians, the Nazarenes had special means established for identifying each other as Christians. It is recorded that "They recognized each other by secret marks and signs.
According to one ancient writer, Caecilius, the Christians also had "distinguishing marks on the body", meaning, no doubt, theur underclothing.
What were those marked underclothing? According to the ancient Christian scholar and martyr Orige, a true saint had to have and wear special garments in order to properly offer sacrifices of praise, prayers, pity, purity, and righteounnes: to offer these aright you have need of clean garment, or vestments kept apart from the common clothing of the rest of mankind.
These sacred mysteries were conducted in ancient Christian temples, and according to Dr. Mosheim, many temples were destroyed or defiled because of anti-Christian persecution:
"This long and cruel persecution commenced in the month of February or April A.D. 303.... and it was introduced by the destruction of the spaciuos Christian temple at Nicomedia, and the burning of the books found in it."
In the view of the ancient cult fighter, Jesus had been heavily involved in magic and occultism. They also claimed that the Nazarenes had secret rites which were kept secret under, they claimed, a penalty of death. They claimed that the "secret and nocturnal" rites were borrowed from the pagan mysteries. Yet according to a modern Christian scholar:
"There is no relation between the Discipline of the secret in early Christianity and the customs of the pagan mysteries. The similarities are of a purely external nature.
According to Christian historian Edwin Hatch, the ancient Christians "Had mysteries which they disclosed to the initiated only after long preparation, and with an oath not to divulge them...." The mysteries of God given in the temple were sacred, and not to be given to everyone. The fact that the ancient Christians had secret rites reserved only for those who were fully prepared is confirmed by other ancient Christian writers.
Hippolytus wrote:
"We have delivered to you briefly these thins concerning baptisim and the oblation because you have already been instructed concerning the resurrection of the flesh and the rest according to the scriptures. But if there is any other matter which ought to be told, let the Bishop impart it secretly to those who are communicated. He shall not tell this to any but the faithfull and only after they have first been communicated. This is the white stone of which John said that there is a new name written upon it which no man knows wxcept him who receives."
Basil of Caesarea wrote:
"Secret doctrines and public teachings have been preserved in the church, and some of them we have from written teaching and others we have received handed down to us ina mystery from the tradition of the apostles. In just the same way, the apostles and fathers who were ordering the institutions in connection with the churches in the beginning used to preserve that which was sacred in the mysteries by a secret and undivulged method. For that which is published for common and chance hearing is not properly a mystery. This is the reason for the tradition of unwritten things, to prevent the knowledge of secret doctrines becoming negletted and though familiarity becoming contemptibile in the eyes of the majrity. Secret doctrine is one thing; public teaching another. The former is preserved in silence, the latter is published."
Cyril of Jerusalem recorded:
"If after the class a catechumen asks you waht the instructors have said, tel outsiders nothing. For it is a divine secret that we deliver to you, even the hope of the life to come. Kep the secret for the Rewarder. If someone says, :"What harm is done if I know about it too?" Don't listen to him. So the sick man asks for wine, but, given to him at the wrong time, it only produce brain-fever, and two evils ensue: the effect on the sick man is disastrous, and the doctor is maligned. So the catechumen, if he is told the Mysteries by one of the faithfull: not understanding what he has been told, the catechumen raves, attacking the doctrine and rificuling the statement, while the believer stands condemned as a traitor."
Athanasius wrote:
" One must not recite the mysteries to the uninitiated, lest outsiders who do not understand make fun of them while they perplex and scandalize investigatoirs.
Tertullian recorded:
"We believe that the apostles were ignorant of nothing, but they did not transmit everithing they knew, and were not willing to reveal everything to everybody. They did not preach everywhere nor promiscuously.....but taught one thing about the nature of Christ in public and anothe in secret."
Paul said about this
2 Corinthians 12:2-4
The Bible says this
Acts 1:1-3
Of what thing did Jesus speak? For the most part, the Bible is silent on this question. According to the ancient Chriostians, however, it was during His fourty day ministry that Jesus taught His disciples the Mysteries of God, giving them first to Peter, james and John. The ancient Christian historian Eusebius wrote in his "Ecclesiastical History"
The Lord imparted the gift of knowledge to james, the just, to John and Peter, after His resurrection; these delivered it to the rest of the apostles, and they to the seventy, of whom Barnabas was one.
The latter day saints declare that the Church of Jesus Christ oa a latter day saints is a restoration of the ancient Christian faith. They have, as the ancient saints did, apostles and prophets, gift of the spirit, new scripture, and those same mysteries of God.
Many anti-lds declare:
"Secrecy is contrary to Christianity. Jesus did not found a secret society"
They use to quote John 18:20 But they forget to mention that Jesu gave that particular knowlwedge or misteries of God after His resurrection.
The evidence given previously is a clear indication that they don't study the scritpures they just read them but they don't ponder them because they have not the holy Ghost to help them.
They are wolves in sheep'd clothing. To make they movie "the God makers" they admitted their use of DECEMPTION to obtain stock footage of temple interiors from lds church information services, and to arrange interviews with church officials who appear in the film. These despicable tactis speak for themselves.
The writer of the Book "Gainsayers" had a confrontation with an anti-mormon who told him:"Now is what I've shown you true or not? The only way you can convince me that it is not is if you tell me waht really goes on in there.
He replied:" YOu nad i both know that you have twisted and distorted my sacred sacraments. I will ask you a question, if Christ told you that He was indeed the Messiah, but if He commanded you tell no one of that fact, would you obey Him or would you tell?" My accuser laughed and said:"You Mormon are so ignorant of the Bible and Jesus because He has never, and would never ask anyone to do that!" I turned to the scriptures to refute another railing accusation this time to the book of Matthew 16:15-20
After reading this scripture my accuser's jaw fell open. he was sudenly silent.
Cyril of Jerusalem, an ancient Christian scholar and writer, writes in his "lecture on the mysteries, the rites of the inner Chamber"
"I put before you yesterday's ordinances of initiation in their proper order, so that you may learn which token must be given to you in the inner temple.....immediately, then, upon entering, you removed your tunics. This was a figure of the "stripping off of the old man with his deeds." Having stripped, you were naked, in this also imitating Christ, who was naked on the cross, by His nakedness "throwing off the cosmic powers and authorities like a garment and publicly upin the cross leading them in his triumphal procession." For as the forces of the enmy made their lair in our member, you may no longer wear the old garment, I do not, of course, refer to this visible garment, but to " the old man which, deluded by its lusts, is sinking towards death." Truly you bore the image of the first formed Adam, who was naked in the garden and "was not ashamed" Then, when stripped, you were anointed with exorcised olive oil from the topmost hairs of your head to the soles of your feet, and became partakers of the good olive tree, Jesus Christ..... you are anointed first upon the forehead to rid you of the shame which the first human transgressor bore about with him everywhere; so you may "reflect as in a glass the splendor of the Lord". Then upon the ears, to receive ears quick to hear the divine mysteries, the ears of which Isaiah said:"The Lord gave me also an ear to hear," and the Lord Jesus in the Gospel "He who hath ears to hear let him hear" Then upon the nostril, that, scenting the divine oil, you may say:"We are the incense offered by Christ God, in the case of those who are on the way to salvation:" The on the breast, that "putting on the vreastplate of justice you may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil" After that we commemorate the heavens, the earth and the sea; the sun and monn, the stars, the whole rational and irrational creation, both visible and invisible." The paradise of God from which our first parent was expelled through transgression....is now opened to you....Now you see the deacon providing wash things for the priest and the elders standing in a circle around the altar....Next, when the spiritual sacrifice, the bloodless worship, has been completed, over that sacrifice of propitiation, we beseech God for the public peace of the churches, for the good estate of the world, for the emperors, for the armed forces and our allies, for those in sickness, for the distressed: for all, in a word, who need help, we all pray and offer this sacrifice....You have just seen the prayer circle...then the assistant cries out: Exchange signs with each other and let us embrace..
Of the final rite of these particular mysteries a Christian scholar wrote:
"The explanation probably is that what is being expounded is that part of the service which the congregation were allowed to hear and see, as distinct from the prayers recited by the celebrant in a low voice and perhaps behind a curatain (veil, screen).
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