
sabato 25 agosto 2012

Jacob or Israel.

Jacob or Israel.

I was always amazed, why God changed his name. I asked myself many times how it is possible for a man to wrestle with God and win. Is that possible?
I truly believe that the whole story contained in Genesis 32:24-32
has a great meaning for all of us.
If we are able to well analyze this story we will see that probably there was a lot of more than a simple physical fight. The key of all, on my opinion, is in the verse 27 when Jacob asked to be blessed. We can easily understand that the all matter was to obtain a blessing, therefore Jacob was fighting with the Lord to obtain a blessing, that was the reason why he was fighting with the Lord all the night long. It is very interesting to compare this situation to what happened in the Book of Mormon in Enos 1:2
Surely the fight in which Jacob was involved was similar, his purpose to obtain a blessing don't come up by a physical fight but by a spiritual fight and we know that the Lord is pleased to fight in this way with  mankind. Also when Jacob said "My life was spared" it is easy to understand that surely the fight was not physical, because in that case his life was spared. The fact that Jacob was touched in the nerve of the leg and   he became laming for a while, it would be a proof that he was knelt all the night long. Anyway nobody can fight physically with God and win, but the man can fight in the prayer with God and win when he is able to gain a blessing. This is the only way that   man can fight with the Lord, fighting by the prayer. When we receive our patriarchal blessings, we receive it always by the blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I always was pondering why, why not by the blessings of Moses or Elias. I believe that there is a reason specific and symbolic.
Abraham represents the Father
Isacc represent the Son
Jacob represent  man the man trying to converse with the Lord by the prayer and the prayer should be directed by the Holy Ghost.
If Adam ondi Ahamn means Adam trough the Son,  then mentioning Abraham, Isaac and Jacob remind to  mankind that man will go back to the Father by the sacrifice of the Son and in seeking the will of God by the Holy Ghost. In this eternal triangle, Isaac ( The Son) is always in the middle ( or mediator).  Isaac's sacrifice has deeper meanings if the soul of the man think about it.
Men fighting with God by the prayer, are those who accept Jesus like Savior, because they pray in His name and they show their faith in the divine plan well prepared before of the foundation of the world. By the prayer we can obtain forgiveness and knowledge and there is not other way. This is another proof that "without fait it is impossible to please Him". What greatest proof of a sincere prayer to a invisible being. What greatest proof of humility and weakness when the man, spontaneously knelt himself and put all his problems in the hands of the Almighty?

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